Favourite 2016 Memories By Our Blogger Friends

Wow, what a year it’s been! Not just for us but also for some of our favourite Dubai based bloggers. We’ve loved following them and getting to know them over the past year and we now consider them good friends. I decided to ask some of them for their favourite Instagram memory from the past year. Here are their answers.

Chris and Diana from Healthy Nomads – @healthynomads

”It was our favourite holiday together so far. We enjoyed every single bit of the road trip, we felt like Bonnie and Clyde driving through the breathtaking US landscape. Can we go back please?”

Nancy and Namrata from She Said, She Said – @shesaidshesaid_dxb

”We celebrated the second anniversary of our blog this year. Whilst the first year went by in a jiffy and we may have spent it basking in the novelty of its newness, this second year was different. We grew as bloggers, found our feet, and realised we want to take the site in a new direction. We were also thrilled to be recognised for our efforts with two award nominations!”

Natalia from Think Natalia – @thinknatalia

”I love this photo as it perfectly expresses how I felt/looked. This year was exhausting but awesomeeee!”

Hannah Magsayo – @hannahmagsayo

”This photo is very special to me as I took it when my mother and I went up in a hot-air balloon. It happened to be her first time visiting the UAE and her first time experiencing a hot-air balloon ride.  Aside from that, this photo reminds me of how fortunate I am to experience things like this. I can’t wait to tell my future kids and grandchildren that I was once a broke 20 something who loved to explore the world.”

Mitch and Thuymi from – @adventurefaktory

”The reason we love this photo is because it represents one of our favourite pastimes, going into the middle east desert and just exploring. We love finding roads that aren’t on any map—away from the rest of the world. As travellers, we always try to take the road less travelled.”

Lissy from – @frugalityonfleek

This photo is my favourite as it was my first time experiencing snow. For my whole life, I’ve lived in a tropical country (Philippines) and have never experienced cold weather in the negative degrees temperature. I’m looking forward to another great year of fun, adventure and more travels!

We hope 2016 has been an amazing year for all of you too. Here’s to making 2017 great! You know what you can do to get it off to a cracking start…Download the ENTERTAINER! With hundreds of savings, you know you won’t regret it!



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