How To Save Money in Hong Kong

Wife and mother Marian Cheng shares her tips on how to save money in Hong Kong with the ENTERTAINER App

It can take rigorous practicality to spend money wisely, especially since we’re spoilt for lifestyle offerings in this city. But there must also be that magical balance of exploring, experiencing and sharing more without necessarily breaking the bank. Since we all could use tips in how to save money in Hong Kong, we went straight to an expert – one of our highest redeeming ENTERTAINER members.

How to save money in Hong Kong

Marian Cheng is among the ENTERTAINER’s Top 10 highest redeeming members. She’s in her 40s, works in the Legal industry, and has a daughter. She’s been a member sine November 2013.

“I had always used the Entertainment Book back in Sydney,” Marian shares. “It’s very similar to the ENTERTAINER, only it was purely paper based.”

Marian’s current estimated lifetime savings on the App amount to HKD30,200. She recalls her biggest single saving to be HKD1,420 on an Immortelle Divine Secret treatment at Spa L’Occitane.

Ever so savvy, Marian keeps an eye on new merchants. She was one of the first to redeem at the California beauty cult favourite, Skin Laundry, as soon as 50% off offers became available exclusively to ENTERTAINER members.

She also redeems across categories. Asked about her favourite merchant, she responds, “For now it’s Azzita. Well, more like my daughter’s favourite.” The 5,000 square foot outlet in Kwun Tong is a paradise for hoverboard lovers.

Her favourite App feature is “Buy Back,” which enables a Member to “re-purchase” with Smiles (our rewards points) a redeemed voucher for a second use.

Her “hidden gem” on the App is The Roundhouse Chicken + Beer. “It’s one of my fave hangouts,” she reveals. This spot has 33 craft beers on tap. Buy 1 get 1 free House Beverage offers are available on Cheers.

Staying alert when new merchants go live in the App. Exploring offers across the App’s categories. Using Smiles to buy back her favourite vouchers. And sharing vouchers with family. These are the ideal habits of an ENTERTAINER member – the same that Marian positively displays – making her a fabulous example of how to save money in HK.

Experiencing more doesn’t mean having to spend more. Like Marian, you, too, can save money with the ENTERTAINER App . The ENTERTAINER 2017 (original price HKD475) is now just HKD195 on mid-year pricing. Use promo code HUBHK2017 in your in-App cart upon checkout.