Discover The Amazing Skye & Walker

There aren’t many restaurants in Dubai which are committed to an eco-friendly concept, but Skye & Walker are certainly at the forefront.

This was instantly clear when we arrived at Skye & Walker to discover tabletops made of recycled materials, shelves made of scaffolding planks, and doors made of stone. Absolutely everything is made up of reclaimed, recycled, eco-friendly, and natural materials. Not only that but their sustainable concept is also reflected in their menu which is full of guilt-free nutritious dishes including vegan, raw, and gluten-free choices. Best of all each and every dish is inspired by fresh, local ingredients sourced through a few handpicked partners.

Get to know the lovely Brian, the manager behind the urban sustainable neighbourhood eatery Skye & Walker.

Keep things healthy

Do your bit for the environment, yourself and the farmers of Dubai by enjoying a delicious meal at Skye & Walker. Better still you can use your 2 for 1 offers with the ENTERTAINER! We’ll see you there!



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