Zombies, Dragons & Arcades. Welcome To Hub Zero

Imagine entering a fantasy world where your favourite video games come to live right in front of your eyes. Well, now you don’t have to imagine as you can now enter a world filled with thrilling and challenging rides and attractions and action zones which place you at the very heart of the action. Nestled within City Walk, Hub Zero is simply amazing and if you haven’t been yet then you are seriously missing out!

We took Kate and Viggo (the ENTERTAINER kids) along so they could let us know first hand what they thought of it… But let’s just say they didn’t want to leave!

If you too want to escape into a futuristic world (after all, why play a game when you can be inside one?) then make sure to check out Hub Zero. Oh, and guess what? Of course, you can get 2 for 1 tickets at Hub Zero using your ENTERTAINER! So go on, it’s time to have some fun!



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