Family Accounts: Further Info

After introducing ENTERTAINER family accounts recently, we wanted to update you on how features inside the App now work, and what each family member has access to.

Firstly, let’s recap…

With the introduction of family accounts, you will now be able to select family members to share your account with, but the great thing is, they’ll have their own access with their own login and password.

Primary & Secondary Members

Primary Members: You are the ones that have purchased an ENTERTAINER product. Now, at any one time, you can give up to 4 family members exclusive access to your account and therefore all of your offers, and these members can be changed whenever you want.

Secondary Members: You are the ones that can reap the rewards, without having to buy a product! Once a Primary Member has invited you to join their family, you will have access to all of their offers.

How does the above affect the features inside your app?


Both Primary and Secondary Members may send and receive PINGs using their registered ENTERTAINER email address, but please be aware, PINGs work on an account level. This means that every member of the family will share them.

The account has access to 10 PINGs per purchased product which can be used to send offers to friends at any time during the product validity period. For example, if the Primary Member owns 2 digital products, the entire ENTERTAINER family will ONLY have a maximum of 20 PINGs to send offers to other people.

This also means that all members within the family will only be able to receive a maximum of 20 PINGs, which will be depleted from the Primary Member’s account.

Additionally, all family members need to take into consideration how many PINGs had been sent and received by the Primary Member prior to the family being created, as this will impact how many the family now have.

– Smiles

If you’ve heard of Smiles, but don’t quite know how they work, here’s a round-up for you – Smiles is our virtual currency system that works a bit like a rewards or loyalty program.  For every redemption a family member makes, you will earn smiles for your account.

Smiles can be burned in may ways, including to purchase PINGs. For each ENTERTAINER product purchased, an ENTERTAINER account can buy back only one set of 10 PINGs. Use 1,000 Smiles rewards points to buy 10 extra PINGs to keep on sharing offers with your friends.

Secondary Members: please remember that once you leave your ENTERTAINER family, you can’t take your Smiles or PINGs with you that you’ve earned or been sent during your time with the family.

If you have any other questions, you can also check our our FAQs here!

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