18 Things Only UAE Residents Will Understand

Ahh, the UAE. We do love thee. I love everything about the UAE, from the year round sunshine (ok, maybe not in July!), the never-ending list of things to do, and the all round good vibe here. And with National Day nearly upon us, I thought it was the appropriate time to celebrate all things UAE!

Food Delivery

Midnight craving? No need to settle for a stale piece of toast and a scraping of butter and Marmite. Oh no, just dial more or less any restaurant (hello MacDonald’s) and they’ll sort you out at any time… Day or night! That will explain the Dubai stone then…

No Tax

Need I say more?


Stuffing yourself silly for 4hrs and then rolling around in pain for the next 10hrs. Ummm yes, please! Now where are my elastic trousers?

Fast Cars

Who else is immune to seeing a Lamborghini or Ferrari whiz past? I’m more star struck when I spot a Peugeot 206 than a supercar. We live in the fast and the furious and I absolutely love it.

Ladies Night

Where else in the world are you treated like royalty just for being a woman? The only downside? The elephant sat on your head feeling at work the next day!

Middle Eastern Food

Hummus… Good…Pitta Bread… Good…Shish Tawook… Good.

Things To Do

Where else in the world do you wake up and think ‘hmm shall I go to the biggest mall in the world, shall I go paddle boarding, shall I go to the beach, or shall I go skiing (indoors!)’. The list of things to do here is endless so there’s no excuse to be bored!

The Shopping

With some of the biggest malls in the world, we can’t be blamed for our credit card seeing a fair amount of action! Or for booking that well-needed foot massage after traipsing around the mall for hours on end.

The Beaches

Every day you can have your feet in the sea and feel like you’re on an exotic holiday. Kart wheels and face planting all round!

The Desert

Quad biking, dune bashing, sand boarding, camel riding, and camping. The desert is a big kids playground. Although word of warning. Say no to sand angles. You’ll instantly regret it.

Lazy Petrol Filling

Laziness at its finest. Not having to get out of your car to fill it with petrol. I bet you’ve even given your pin number over to the petrol pump guy just so you don’t have to leave your comfy seat and AC.

Year Round Sunshine

No scraping ice off your car window and no coats or gloves. Well, that is until it reaches 25 degrees and outcome your boots and jeans and you’re left wondering how you even survived before.

Appreciating Rain

Rain causes great excitement. Well, I guess it would when it only happens about twice a year! A great excuse to make soup and cosy up to the latest Netflix series.

Our Pools

Oh yes, I’ll just pop outside and have a float around in this gorgeous pool… Which happens to be in my apartment block! We are so spoilt!

Laid Back Vibe

Need to get something done urgently? Chances are it’s not going to happen so you may as well sit back, chill out and relax. Everything happens at two speeds here. Slow and really slow… But we kind of love it, don’t we?

Your friends Think You’re Rich

“Oooo you live in Dubai. You must be loaded with all your tax-free money”. You nod in agreement even though you’ve spent the whole month’s paycheck on brunch. But they don’t need to know that do they?

The Architecture

Just driving through the UAE you feel like you’re in a parallel universe. One that’s all shiny and new. You only need to go on holiday for a week and when you come back you discover they’ve built a canal overnight.

And Of Course, We Love the ENTERTAINER!

Come on guys, admit it. We’re a big part of your life! If you needed another reason to love the UAE then the ENTERTAINER 2017 is now available for a limited time at AED 50 off the regular price. On top of this great price, purchase select 2017 digital products and choose another one absolutely free! So, purchase Dubai 2017 or Dubai Fine Dining 2017 and choose between Cheers Dubai and Dubai Body; purchase Abu Dhabi 2017, and choose either Cheers Abu Dhabi or Abu Dhabi Body. Not only that but for a limited time only, 2017 purchases will unlock all of the 2016 offers right away meaning you get to see 2016 off with a bang!

The reasons we love the UAE are endless and we’re so proud to call it home! Let me know what you love about the UAE in the comment section below!