Shape Up: Allie, Piloga Studio (Video)

Let’s be real. Who else, like us, is a little intimidated around fitness fanatics?

The way they bend their bodies into unbelievable positions, the sweat pooling around them, and the look in their eyes that says, even though I want to throw up I’m loving life.

So, when we went to meet Allie at the Piloga Studio it has to be said that we were a little nervous… Would she have us squatting or jumping into a head stand on arrival?

Well, the verdict is in and our conclusion is that Allie is one of the most motivational and damn right gorgeous ladies we’ve ever met. Yes, she clearly loves a good sweat session but her love for yoga, Pilates, and fitness in general, goes far beyond this. She is knowledgeable, skilled, non-judgemental, and so encouraging that she’ll have you unrolling your old yoga mat and jumping into a (near!) split position in no time!

Stretch it out

If you’ve been meaning to try yoga or Pilates for a while now but just haven’t gotten round to it, then go and meet Allie at Piloga. Be sure to make use of the 2 for 1offers with the ENTERTAINER on classes such as Pilates Mat and COREtet reformer.