Heatwave 2018: How Are You Fighting It?

One month into the heatwave, with days that feel like we stepped into a Summer holiday, and some others that make us want to jump into a fountain.

Lizard-people can carry on and ignore this blog entry. Don’t worry, stay laying down in the park, basking until you go from medium-rare to well-done. But those who would do anything to avoid the pit of hell that is the Central line, my sisters with the chub rub, all the sleepless people sweating into their pillows — you might want to keep reading my handful of suggestions to deal with the heatwave.

A Fresh Start Of Your Day

You wake up, peel yourself off the sheets, enjoy the brief blessing of a cold morning shower and off you go to hit the streets. Why spoiling your newly-refreshed state with a hot breakfast? Leave buttery foods aside for your first meal of the day, and go for an avocado smoothie, like the ones our friends at AvoAvo serve.

The advantage of avocado is the added thickness that feels slightly more indulgent, like a very creamy milkshake.  Keeps us fuller longer too! But if avocado is not your thing, enjoy a smoothie with your fruit and veg of preference. We love “Energy Boost” from Bear & Natural Kitchen –  it’s packed with blueberries, oats, honey, Greek yogurt, banana and almond milk.

Snacking Is Definitely Cool

Try and find a moment in the day for a little snacking. Don’t be afraid to go the naughty way with Lickety Split‘s American Sundaes. Ice-cream is the ultimate tool against the summer heat, and in this heatwave you definitely deserve one! (you’ll probably sweat the calories during the commute anyway).

If you insist on keeping it healthy, To A Tea can knock your little Birkenstocks off with their beautiful iced tea blends. On their own or with some added agave sweetness, they can be a big help to your hydration and energy levels.

Forget About The Meat Sweats

Keeping the meat at bay can do wonders. Your digestion tends to be easier and you reduce your fat intake, two things that are great for keeping cool. Can you imagine how overjoyed we were when one of our faves, Banana Tree, revamped their (already awesome) Vegan/Veggie menu?

Banana Tree finds the inspiration for their menu in the traditional cuisine from Southeast Asia, so expect fresh, fragrant and flavourful morsels in every dish. If you’re a glutton for punishment, don’t shy away from their spicy options, they are worth sweating for.

Shed It

Give your hair the chop for that extra breezy feeling! The professionals at CV Hair and Beauty will turn you into your best Summer self. Trendy, edgy or classic, all is possible once you put your mane in their very capable hands.

And since we’re at war with hair, why don’t you shed it all and go for the bare look with PA Aesthetics‘s ICE hair removal treatments? Sessions available for everybody who wants to get rid of the fuzz and reach their final dolphin transformation.

All these treats and treatments can be found at the best price in our ENTERTAINER UK app! Don’t sweat the petty things, just download it and let us do the rest.