2017 Resolutions: Working On Your Workout with the ENTERTAINER

Young woman silhouette practicing yoga on the sea beach at sunset

Life in London is always busy. Whether it’s our jobs taking up most of our time or ‘FOMO’ forcing us to spend more and more time ticking off this week’s must do list. Our often hectic schedules mean that there is usually very little time to fit in a workout.

However, looking after our health doesn’t need to be a chore, especially in a city as dynamic as London. Here are five easy and most importantly, fun ways to fit some exercise into your day.

Dance like a Bollywood Star

There are a host of dance classes in London, but Bollywood dance’s high energy movements and fast pace mean you will burn the maximum number of calories in a session. Absolute Bollywood is a London-based dance company providing world-class Bollywood dance. Whether you are a novice, or a professional dancer, add some Bollywood spice to your day!

Sweat it out at Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga essentially consists of 26 yoga postures and breathing exercises performed in a room heated to approximately 40°C. The high temperatures mean that your muscles be more flexible in the warmth, to the extent that you will produce a significant amount of sweat even if you just sat around. A ninety-minute session at Bikram Yoga London will stretch every muscle.

Learn some self-defense

Exercising can also mean learning a new skill. Learn how to defend yourself with sessions at Urban Krav Maga. As well as picking up some useful tips you will also be burning off those calories.

Then learn some Martial Arts

If you enjoyed learning self-defense, go a step further and take up martial arts. Centres like Tokei Fitness Centre run martial art classes as well as fitness sessions. Combining the two will improve your general health, fitness and wellbeing.

Find A Way To Bring Your Workout Up A Notch


PHIIT Chelsea combines Pilates and high-intensity interval training, a hybrid kind of exercise that gives you fitness and strength in one go. They also include boxing routines and kettle-bell lift tables. Definitely an intense and dynamic workout!

There you go, all these are great ways to get in shape after the season’s excesses! More importantly, it shakes the way you exercise, so boredom will no longer be a problem! On top of everything, all these places are included in the ENTERTAINER 2017, allowing you to bring a friend or get twice as fit!