Relaxation in Let’Spa Hong Kong with Tiffany Pattinson

It’s 6:30pm on a Wednesday and you find yourself trying to overtake a lady pulling a massive Hello Kitty luggage in a narrow street in Causeway Bay. Welcome to rush hour in Causeway Bay, also known as chaos o’clock.

It’s hard to believe that anything peaceful exists in such a bustling place, especially when you’re on the brink of pushing everyone out of your way, but a slice of zen is waiting for you not only in Causeway Bay, but also in Wanchai and Tsuen Wan. With its 8 private treatment rooms, tailor-made spa services, clean white décor with splashes of greenery, Let’s Spa is a hidden treasure and a zen den for the tired and weary, like jetsetter, nature lover and sustainable fashion designer Tiffany Pattinson.

Making wearable and creative fashion while reducing waste sounds like quite a challenge, but Tiffany conquers it by taking time to recharge and pamper herself.

Indulge in calming treatments like the Tahiti hot candle massage, relaxation facial treatment and chiropractic treatments at Let’s Spa, or even better, share these rare peaceful moments with a friend, using the ENTERTAINER’s 2 for 1 offers.

Buy ENTERTAINER 2017 (original price HKD475) for a SECRET DISCOUNT. To enjoy the discount, simply use promo code HUBHK2017 in your in-App cart upon checkout.