How To Get The Best Of Riyadh By Iyad Al Nounou

Here at the ENTERTAINER, we love meeting new people who help us have a closer view of cities we live in. Today, we have a chat with Iyad Mohamed Ali Al Nounou. Iyad is very passionate about helping others through his account @iyadnn. He posts about the latest gadgets and applications to his audience mainly in the city of Riyadh. Q & A: Get to Know Iyad!

Hi Iyad, can you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us what we can find on your instagram?

My name is Iyad Mohamed Ali Al Nounou. I went to private schools in Riyadh where I grew up and joined a local college later on to complete my studies.

My Insta account covers everything related to new technologies from gadgets to websites or applications. I also like to share my personal dining experiences and travel posts with my followers. During my free time, I love working on developing applications and enjoy reading the latest articles that cover various topics.

What inspired you to start your journey in blogging?

 My biggest motivation is how people interact with the topics I post. It pushes me to thrive and develop more so I can be better. I will never forget the support of my mother, wife, and children through thick and thin.

Why did you choose to blog about Technology, Travel, and Restaurants?

 I personally love technology since I was young and I love taking things apart and putting them together. I also like to take pictures of everything that fascinates me. Therefore, I started combining both hobbies together, so I take things apart and take pictures of them. Meanwhile, my love for helping other has been guiding me along the way. I began sharing with others the pros and cons of various gadgets and applications. When I started sharing it on my account, it reached more people. Not only do I love technology but also I love sharing it with others.

What is the best thing that happened to you since you started your blog?

 People benefiting from what I share is the best thing that inspires me to grow and develop.

Could you share with 3 accounts that you follow and tell us why?

Number 1 is Rakan Abu Khaled @reko88, because it presents everything that we love about our childhood.

Number 2 is Zach @zachking, as it provides everything about graphics and designs.

Number 3 is Baraa Barazi @baraabarazi, because it shares all the beautiful places in the world.

What are 3 offers that you love in the ENTERTAINER?

Buffalo Wings And Rings offers the best wings in town. It is a sporty place, where we can hang out and enjoy good food. We always use our ENTERTAINER there to get the best 2 for 1 deal. Travel Offers are also on my favourite list. Getting an extra night free when purchasing a night or what is even better is the Hot Summers Night campaign that can get you up to three nights free.  Last but not least, it isn’t an offer but a feature: PINGS! I love this feature that allows me to share with my friends and receive my favourite offers if they ever run out.

We loved speaking to Iyad and hope you do too! Check out our greatest deals for the city of Riyadh with the ENTERTAINER, you won’t be disappointed!