Oyez oyez! Une occasion à ne pas manquer!


In celebration of May, which is Hong Kong’s designated French month, we’ve got a double treat for you, gals & guys… We’re giving away a French Cure to Homesickness charcuterie basket from La Fromagerie valued at HKD1,000 to 1 winner. That’s not all. We’re also giving away a limited edition bottle of Cheers Saint Louie Red (France 2016) to 2 winners.

You could be enjoying this very soon, fam…

Okaaay, so “How to win these French goodies?” – we hear you cry. It’s really simple!


This giveaway is exclusively for ENTERTAINER members. If you still haven’t got an ENTERTAINER membership, get ENTERTAINER 2019 now with a 10% discount by using Promo Code HUBHK2019 at the check out. Enjoy everyday savings and get more lifestyle for less.