5 Ways To Have Fun, Game Of Thrones Style

Game of Thrones is back in our screens, and the GoT fever has taken over London (generally in the shape of White Walkers available for selfies).

Since winter is coming we better enjoy our summer, and we have thought about the top five activities for you to make sure you party like a Tyrell but you save up like a Lannister.

Scarier Than The Night Watch

Prepare for an upcoming zombie apocalypse with the blood-chilling figures that will scare the bones out of you at The London Bridge Experience and The London Tombs. Once you’ve faced those, you’ll be laughing off the White Walkers on your television screen.

Sail Like A Greyjoy

Let the Thames breeze tussle your hair and set sail down the river with a cocktail in your hand, they guys in Pier Pressure Boat Party have you covered! If you want a more hands-in approach to sailing, perhaps Back Of Beyond Adventures is more your cup of mead, so hire any of their kayaking packages if you’re more sailor than socialite!

Feast Like A Baratheon

Release the hunter within you and enjoy some of the best game dishes in London. Like Gay Hussar‘s venison goulash, or their smoked goose breast. As delicious and gamy is Seven Park Place‘s roast Cumbrian grouse, served with blackberry jus and crispy bacon. A banquet fit for a king (?)!

Raise Your Glass Like A Lannister

After seven seasons watching Cersei and Tyrion hitting the bar, we’ve gotten quite thirsty ourselves. With London Cheers your options are endless, but this week we are partial to Zebrano‘s, since they also offer a pretty cool cocktail masterclass, so you can keep the party up in or out of the bar.

Do The Bolton Thing

For the History enthusiasts, and fans of all-things-medieval, we recommend The Clink Prison Museum, where you can take a look at how the Inquisition rolled back in the day, if that’s your thing.

All Buy One Get One Free with the ENTERTAINER and Cheers London! Make sure you have our apps, you’ll start saving money faster than you can say “Dracarys”! (Also, if you’re out having fun, nobody can tell you Game of Thrones spoilers, so you’re welcome for that too)