Meet Becky, The ENTERTAINER’s Editor And Blogger From Etched In Me

I’m not going to lie it’s hard to write about yourself. It’s even harder to watch a video of yourself! I never knew my voice sounded like that!

Before I started working for the ENTERTAINER as their Editor I was writing for my own site, Etched In Me. When I first moved to Dubai I started my blog so that loved ones back in the UK could see my adventures, memories, and everything else in between. Over time Etched In Me evolved to be a place where people could not only discover the best places to eat, drink and explore in Dubai, but also see my recent travel exploits, recipes I love, beauty reviews, and much more.

So, when I was asked to meet the ENTERTAINER team as a blogger for their series to meet The Faces Behind The Places I was beyond excited. If only I had known then that I would soon be writing all of the articles on this new ENTERTAINER Hub. It just goes to show you should say yes to every opportunity put your way. You never know where it will lead.

So, get to know the face behind all of these words you see in front of you. I was very nervous so please excuse my quivering lip and over-excited chatter!

You can follow my Instagram for hints and tips on the best places in Dubai, and some behind the scenes pictures of what we get up to at the ENTERTAINER. Just click here!

A huge thank you to The Pantry Cafe, one of my all time favourite restaurants in Dubai, for letting us film this video. Remember you can use your ENTERTAINER for 2 for 1 on main courses and breakfast! Does it get any better?