Tucking Into All Things American At Clive’s Midtown Diner

For all those that are on a Christmas slim down look away now… Actually, on second thoughts don’t! Everyone deserves a cheat day (or week in my case) and I’ve got just the place to tempt you.

You may have stumbled across this small but perfectly formed treasure, especially if you’ve been to the British Museum. But if you haven’t then let me just say that Clive’s Midtown Diner is pretty special and if you’re going to throw your diet plans out the window then this is the place to do just that.

We went along to Clive’s Midtown Diner where we met Toby, an experienced chef who after reminiscing about his childhood days spent eating juicy burgers, tasty chicken wings, and milkshakes in Boston, Massachusetts he decided to open his own diner along with his Dad Clive.

Get to know Toby and the story behind Clive’s Midtown Diner with our video.

If you’re in the mood for some delicious American food. (and let’s face it, who isn’t!?) then remember it’s 2 for 1 on main courses with your ENTERTAINER at Clive’s Midtown Diner! We do spoil you!